Ballet Classes2023-08-16T15:58:44+01:00

Ballet Classes

Bellarinas was created in order to provide a class which incorporates traditional ballet steps and exercises mixed in with creative and magical themes such as Fairies and Princesses. The use of props combined with both classical and modern music provides a fun and engaging class. We follow both the Royal Academy of Dance syllabi as well as our own bespoke Bellarinas creative framework.

Our weekly classes are as follows – contact us to book

Surbiton ballet classes

– Saturdays at 9:00 am for age 3+
– Saturdays at 9:45 am for age 5+
– Saturdays at 10:30 am for age 4+
– Saturdays at 11:15 am for age 6+
at Surbiton High School – map


How long are the classes ? – Ballet class times are either 40 – 45 minutes long depending on age.

What should my child wear for the ballet class ? – Children must wear suitable clothes for a ballet class including ballet shoes. We encourage the children to wear the Bellarinas outfit which consists of a leotard, tutu skirt, ballet tights and shoes for the girls and leotard/t shirt, shorts and ballet socks and shoes for the boys. If you already have your own ballet clothes and you wish to wear these then this is fine too. The Bellarinas outfit can be ordered directly from us.

My daughter is almost 3 can she come for a trial class? – We do take some children who are nearly 3 as it just depends on how well they can follow the instructions. The best thing is to book in a free trial and see how they get on!

Are parents allowed in the studio? – Since the start of Covid restrictions, we have taken the decision to no longer allow parents into the studio. Since the change we have noticed a huge improvement in both the concentration and behaviour of the children. The children have really become much more independent and less distracted.

You will be able to come in and watch your child in their trial class. In addition we provide an end of term watching class alongside other opportunities for your child to perform in our external events.

Can my son join Bellarinas? – Absolutely, we welcome boys. Ballet is as much for boys as it is for girls and we would make every effort to make sure they felt comfortable in the environment.

What are your fees?Contact us for the prices – fees depend on location, and we also offer sibling discounts.

Can you still hold my child’s place if we haven’t paid? – Termly fees must be paid up front, in full before the start date of each term or on joining Bellarinas. Failure to do so may result in the child’s place being taken by another child.

Can I get a discount if I have a sibling? – Yes, a 10% discount on block bookings for sibling’s can be given if the terms fee’s are paid up front in full before the start of each new term.

Bellarina Ballet parties are also available!